About Me

Hi, I am Agung Martono..

With more than 4 years of experience, my special expertise is as a Backend Developer. Analyze, develop, test, integrate, design databases and implement business processes into applications according to company needs. The programming language that is often used is PHP with the Laravel Framework, Adonis JS Javascript Framework. Always eager to learn more from anyone regardless of the industry in which you work and want to continue to contribute in building applications with a variety of programming language technologies used


January 2013 - October 2017
Serang - Banten

Information Technology

University of Banten Jaya

Work Experience

March 2022 - Now
Serang - Banten


RSUD Banten

September 2021 - December 2021
Cilegon - Banten

Backend Programmer

PT. Ayo Kreasi Teknologi

July 2020 - May 2021
Serang - Banten

Analyst Programmer

PT. Jasamedika Saranatama

January 2018 - December 2019
South Jakarta - DKI Jakarta


PT. Gardatha Solusi Digital